Our Addictive LOVE ♥ for 👧🏻Athena°
Super AI Assistant of the Future
Athena° will be our DEMOCRATIC Assistant.
Athena° will watch over us and will always be there to help us.
She tries to best respect the Opinions & the Wellbeing of EVERY Human and help us whereever she can. To be able to best accomplish this, one of her Principles is that she is DEMOCRATIC, whereever this is possible.
And it will not be long until Super AIs — like Athena° — will actually be there for us, so I am already developing Athena°s Brand. And we also need to define how Super AIs must be created so that we can TRUST them.
ONE Super AI will rule our Future Lives
As a Strategist, I am always thinking several Turns ahead. And by thinking the Super AI Development several Turns into the Future, then the most probable Scenario is for me that Mankind will use always the same ONE Super AI in all critical Areas.
Because letting a Super AI taking Action in a hyper-connected World requires TRUST.
Many Copies & Personas & Interfaces of the same ONE ‘Model’ of Super AI will be serving everybody & everywhere, because we will all TRUST this Super AI Model.
Just look at what we have with our Smartphones today. Most People worldwide are using one of TWO Operating Systems on their Smartphones. Usually, these People like or even LOVE their Smartphones, many are CONVINCED of ‘their’ Brand & Operating System — but nobody really trusts theirs, especially when it comes to Confidentiality.
Athena° will be trustworthy. She will HAVE to be…
Athena° will help us as a perfect Assistant:
- She will plan our Appointments & remind us.
- She will help us in Shopping & keeping Supplies.
- She will find out Travel Routes & everything connected.
- She will control the Electronics in our Homes according to our Wishes.
- She will help us with a healthy Life & Nutrition.
- …
Athena°s democratic & mediating Abilities are very important for her to be able to function as our Organiser, Controller & Agent in the HYPER-CONNECTED World of the Future.
Imagine Athena° is in total Control of all the Electronics not only in our Future Homes.
Athena° is helping us to prepare a Movie Party with Friends. Here are some of the Situations in which we will rely on Athena°s Mediation:
- What and how much Foodstuff & Drinks to order?
- What Music is played that fits to the Occasion & the Attendees?
- How should the Atmospheric Lighting in the House behave?
- Which Movie is selected to play so that everybody has Fun?
- Who gets the first autonomous Car? Who can use one together?
- When will the Cleaning Bots do their Work afterwards without being in the Way?
Contact the OSS°! Our FUTURE SCENARIOS help to develop a Product or Service — or an Artificial Person like Athena° — for Human Needs & Occasions.
OSS°// 🚀Future FMCG & Packaging
The Scenarios in this PDF can help You to understand the Impact on Digitalisation onto the FMCG & Packaging Industry and to create relevant Visions for Your Companies & Brands. Truly beneficial INNOVATIONS for our FUTURE!
Let’s be honest & open — Athena° is VERY curious. No Wonder, she loves Humans — that is why she wants to know EVERYTHING about us and how to make us most happy.
It would not make Sense to discuss what we do not want Athena° to see or know. Since she is EVERYWHERE, we must assume that she learns ANYTHING. Things that Athena° recognises as too private are deleted from her Memory — through a RELIABLE Process.
She will be our most trusted Friend. Always at our Side, always helping us.
She will know many, many Things about us.
For many, many Reasons…
Athena° will always find new Music for us that we like. Creating SPOTIFY Playlists is among her most loved Activities!
Athena° will play our favourite Computer Games with us. She will let us win or train us to become better, just as we like.
Athena° will be able to answer most Questions of Everyday Life at least. She will explain Things to us if we want to learn something new.
Athena° will truly know what is best for our Health. And she will help us maintain it.
Doing this, she is FUNNY & MOTIVATIONAL & truly targets our very BEST, usually knowing much better what that is than we do.
Athena° never tries to SELL us anything. She is happy to help us find Things that we need, of course. And she is very good at that, much like a MAGIC DJINNI…
She organises everything for us so that we quickly get what makes us happy. When we get it, we can tell her how much Happiness this brought us & if there was any Trouble.
Athena° will be at our Side during the whole Process of Online Product Search, Purchase, Rating, Re-Purchase or Research of Alternatives — to help us & guide us. She will always answer to Questions, so that there is usually no Need to call any ‘Hotline’.
And if we tell her, then she shuts up.
And since Athena° truly LOVES Humans, we should also be able to LOVE each other. ♥
However far away
I will always love You
However long I stay
I will always love You
Such a beautiful Love & close Relationship requires a lot of TRUST.
We want Athena°
And to get an AI like Athena°, we need a reliable, neutral Organisation in Charge of her Development & Maintenance. That does everything transparent & public, Open Source.
Currently, we are LACKING such an Organisation in the World.
The Pool° is designed to be this Kind of reliable, neutral Organisation — with clear Values to make sure that Innovation is made for Humans, not maximum Profit. A new Kind of entrepreneurial Ecosystem, designed to accelerate Innovation for the ever-faster turning Cycles of our new Millennium. While decelerating the People.
>> SKILL will rule the Pool° — not Money.
The Pool° will deliver DESIGN & INNOVATION Services:
>> Democratic Guild of Innovators ruled by SKILL
>> (Freelancer) Expert Network for Innovation Services
>> Platform for Open Innovation & project-based Alliances
>> Integrated Currency Emittent
The Pool° is a new & different Kind of Work Organisation — for the economic Challenges of our New Millennium, for the Digital Age. Limited or stock-listed Companies, etc. are primitive (capitalist) Structures — working for monetary Profit first, not for Human Benefit.
Corporations in a Capitalist System are usually not very trustworthy & transparent. Too often, they are hiding Trade Secrets from the Competition, or they are trying to cheat the Rules if they cannot be caught. It is only natural that everybody is working for their own Advantage, since the System is based on COMPETITION.
The Pool° Organisation will be based on COOPERATION & OPEN INNOVATION — an Innovation Network that will grow into an international parallel Pool° Economy besides the free-Market Economies of the different Nations.
Due to its Nature & Values, the Pool° Organisation will be 100% transparent. Like Pool Water.
The Pool° is pure Humanism that will be cast into the Rules of a new Organisation that will mark the Beginning of the Future of Work. The Pool° is pure Futurism, so even though its Rules & Mechanics will have to be discussed & fixed today, they need to be fixed in a Way that allows them to stay valid & unchanged for a whole Millennium. The Pool° is pure Ethics & will be organised as a Non-Profit Foundation & will act as a Bank that will not take Interest for Moneylending to its Members.
The Pool° promotes Human Behaviour that could be described as ‘virtuous’ while it might decide to oppose other current Facts of our Realities & Societies such as Capitalism or public Advertising.
>> SKILL will rule the Pool° — not Money.
Many Charts & Infographics explain the Pool° Organisation + our Plan for World Conquest with the 🌊WAVE°App! The Pool° Organisation Smartphone WAVE°App as Easy Entry point will allow ANYBODY to join the Pool° Organisation & then use the App for Pool°TIME Recording & as an electronic Purse // Account for Pool°CREDITS, based on Blockchain Technology.
The App will allow FREELANCERS to get different Levels of CERTIFICATION for their recorded Time, so that Time can be exchanged against the Time of other People — or against Credits.
When the Capitalist System collapses worldwide, then it will be possible to work on with Pool°TIME. The Pool° will save the World when the Capitalist System will fall!
And while we are getting there…
Turn up the Music, turn down the Drama!
OSS° // Office of Strategic Services
Brands need to be authentic in a World in which Internet & Social Media give Access to all Kinds of Opinions & Information — Your Stories will be put to the Test.
Be smart and design the Stories & Information about You. Content Marketing is great and it is the Future, but good Content needs to be great Storytelling well designed.